KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Resurrection Newsletter August 1, 2024

KATHERINE NEVILLE’SResurrection NewsletterAugust 1, 2024 Resurrection Lilies As we enter the Eighth month of August (named for Octavian, the first Emperor of the Roman Empire) my Resurrection Lilies are happily blooming. These are a member of the Amaryllis family and love their life beneath my Gingko trees, mingling with my Japanese Ginger plants. With so […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S 4/4 Newsletter April 4, 2024

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S4/4 NewsletterApril 4, 2024 Birthday at Baie des Singes One day, long ago, I was having a birthday lunch with a group of friends at Baie des Singes (Bay of the Monkeys), along the coast of Tunisia, when a group of chattering monkeys came down from the cliffs to the port for a visit. […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S “The Art of Life” Newsletter Dec 29, 2023

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S “The Art of Life” Newsletter December 29, 2023 Setting Off into the Miraculous This year of “The Eight” (2+0+2+4=8) marks the conclusion of a cycle that began in 2015, and it is the dawn of a new cycle. We are stepping across the threshold of a world we think we know, and into […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S ‘Tempus Fidgets’ Newsletter Dec 22, 2022

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S‘Tempus Fidgets’ NewsletterDecember 22, 2022 Tempus Fugit Time Flies (or ‘Flees’ like a Fugitive) as Virgil pointed out: in Latin, Tempus Fugit. But there are different kinds of Time. There is Chronos–chronological time–the number of hours, minutes, and seconds on record since we first began recording them. Then there is Kairos–the opportune moment, the turning point. The […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S “As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap” Newsletter Oct 14, 2022

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S “As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap” Newsletter October 14, 2022 The Fire Today, October 14, marks the 14th anniversary of my book, The Fire, sequel to The Eight. Interestingly, long before one could predict current events, the book’s plot dealt with Russia and Ukraine, as well as the legends of those two […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S June to January Newsletter June 21, 2022

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S June to January Newsletter June 21, 2022 Solstice Gates of the Year June is named for the goddess Juno, benefactor of marriage and families (perhaps why so many weddings are held in June.) While January is named for the god Janus–the familiar two-faced image, whose name in early Italian meant ‘door’ or ‘gate’–from […]