National Book Festival

Katherine Neville speaking at the National Book Festival: Group photo at the breakfast before The National Book Festival Above is the group photo of all of us at the breakfast, just before the festival, that was hosted by The Washington Post. Among the friends and fellow Mystery-Thriller writers I got to chat with were Jodi […]
KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Hallowe’en Newsletter Oct 31, 2009

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Hallowe’en Newsletter October 31, 2009 In the ancient Celtic calendar, so it is said, All Hallows Eve (which begins at sunset on October 31) marks the end of the old year, and the new year doesn’t begin until dawn on November 3. The intervening days (All Souls and All Saints days in […]
KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Newsletter July 4, 2009

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Newsletter July 4, 2009 Welcome all! This is my first-ever newsletter! From now on, I’ll only be sending a few of these messages per year–and only if something is really news! First: If you want to write to me, or if your friends or family want to sign up for my newsletter–or if you […]