Over the years, I was invited to Turkey many times, to lecture and to visit with the Sufis in Konya. On one trip, in the dead of winter, I hired a driver and went to Cappadocia.
There are many caves that were hollowed out of the soft pumice, and provided the residences of early Christians, who painted gorgeous murals of religious themes on the ceilings and walls.

Katherine in Cappadocia

St George and St Theodore slaying the Dragon: Yilanse Kilise
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Here I am, in my fur cap and fur-lined coat and boots, hiking through knee-high snow to visit the many magnificent hand-painted churches.
The mural of St George and St Theodore attacking the dragon is in the Yilani Kilise, the Snake Church; flash photos were not permitted, so I took my Super-8 movie camera with internal lights and made a film. (My “home movies” are almost always somewhere else!)