KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Spring (Forward) Newsletter Mar 21, 2011

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Spring (Forward) Newsletter March 21, 2011 Dr. Dian Fetter: the artist in Santa Fe! The photo of me here was taken in Santa Fe by my friend, the Egyptologist and art professor, Dr Dian Fetter. Dian (whose birthday is fittingly today – the first day of Spring) was a fascinating and colorful individual […]
KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Winter Solstice Newsletter December 20-21, 2009

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Winter Solstice Newsletter December 20-21, 2009 Here Comes The Sun! Winter Solstice (December 20-21) from Latin sol-stetit, “sun stands still,” when we celebrate the shortest day, that time each year when the sun appears to stand still in the sky, and then to “turn around and head back,” providing us longer and longer […]