KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Resurrection Newsletter August 1, 2024

KATHERINE NEVILLE’SResurrection NewsletterAugust 1, 2024 Resurrection Lilies As we enter the Eighth month of August (named for Octavian, the first Emperor of the Roman Empire) my Resurrection Lilies are happily blooming. These are a member of the Amaryllis family and love their life beneath my Gingko trees, mingling with my Japanese Ginger plants. With so […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S 4/4 Newsletter April 4, 2024

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S4/4 NewsletterApril 4, 2024 Birthday at Baie des Singes One day, long ago, I was having a birthday lunch with a group of friends at Baie des Singes (Bay of the Monkeys), along the coast of Tunisia, when a group of chattering monkeys came down from the cliffs to the port for a visit. […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S “The Art of Life” Newsletter Dec 29, 2023

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S “The Art of Life” Newsletter December 29, 2023 Setting Off into the Miraculous This year of “The Eight” (2+0+2+4=8) marks the conclusion of a cycle that began in 2015, and it is the dawn of a new cycle. We are stepping across the threshold of a world we think we know, and into […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S August Moon Newsletter August 1, 2023

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S August Moon Newsletter August 1, 2023 “Shine on, Shine on Harvest Moon up in the SkyI ain’t had no Lovin’ since January, February, June or July…” *(1908 Ziegfeld Follies, various credits) Harvest Moon Today is the Full Moon of August–which this year happens to fall upon the same date as the ancient Gaelic festival […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Lantern Festival Newsletter Feb 5, 2023

KATHERINE NEVILLE’SLantern Festival NewsletterFebruary 5, 2023 Bringing Back the Light Here I am, skiing into the New Year!  Today marks the end of the Chinese New Year Festival, a time to celebrate the return of the light and the dawn of a new year. I am celebrating the return of my new book from a […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S ‘Tempus Fidgets’ Newsletter Dec 22, 2022

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S‘Tempus Fidgets’ NewsletterDecember 22, 2022 Tempus Fugit Time Flies (or ‘Flees’ like a Fugitive) as Virgil pointed out: in Latin, Tempus Fugit. But there are different kinds of Time. There is Chronos–chronological time–the number of hours, minutes, and seconds on record since we first began recording them. Then there is Kairos–the opportune moment, the turning point. The […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S “As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap” Newsletter Oct 14, 2022

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S “As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap” Newsletter October 14, 2022 The Fire Today, October 14, marks the 14th anniversary of my book, The Fire, sequel to The Eight. Interestingly, long before one could predict current events, the book’s plot dealt with Russia and Ukraine, as well as the legends of those two […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Augustus Newsletter August 12, 2022

KATHERINE NEVILLE’SAugustus NewsletterAugust 12, 2022 The Eighth Month More than 2000 years ago, on August 12, the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, took her own life.  This month was subsequently, in 8 BC, named “August” in honor of Octavian (Julius Caesar’s great nephew and adopted son), who’d been dubbed the first Emperor of Rome, with the […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S June to January Newsletter June 21, 2022

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S June to January Newsletter June 21, 2022 Solstice Gates of the Year June is named for the goddess Juno, benefactor of marriage and families (perhaps why so many weddings are held in June.) While January is named for the god Janus–the familiar two-faced image, whose name in early Italian meant ‘door’ or ‘gate’–from […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S St Jordi Newsletter April 23, 2022

KATHERINE NEVILLE’SSt Jordi NewsletterApril 23, 2022​ George, Will, and Miguel’s Day​ Today, April 23, Saint George’s Day, is commemorated as William Shakespeare’s birthday and as the date when both Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes died. (Although the “dates” seem to match, at that time the calendars of England and Spain were still ten days apart, […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Summer Solstice “Shibui” Newsletter June 18, 2021

Katherine in Brittany KATHERINE NEVILLE’SSummer Solstice “Shibui” NewsletterJune 18, 2021 Koyannisqatsi: Life Out of Balance This weekend, as we descend into the “dark half” of the year, was marked in ancient times as the date when Delphi’s Sun God Apollo would depart for the south, and the Lord of Misrule and intoxication, Dionysus, would take […]

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S St George’s Day Newsletter April 23, 2021

KATHERINE NEVILLE’SSt George’s Day NewsletterApril 23, 2021 St George: Patron Saint Some of the many places that claim St George as their patron saint include England, Georgia, Ethiopia, Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Portugal, Rio de Janeiro, and Moscow! I was present for the 850th birthday celebration of Moscow (1147-1997), when the city was festooned with […]

Celebrity Bulletin

The Celebrity Bulletin interview of Katherine Neville‘Celebrity of the Day’ 1987

Bestsellers World

Bestsellers World interview of Katherine Neville“Interview with Katherine Neville”July 9, 2002 Author Photo by Karl Pribram From all the books you have written, do you have a favorite? I love all my books, but I love The Magic Circle best. It is the first book I tried to write, sort of like the first child […]

Wausau Daily Herald

Wausau Daily Herald interview of Katherine Neville‘Fire author Neville enjoys the thrill of chess game’ November 30, 2008

Warrenton Lifestyle

Warrenton Lifestyle interview of Katherine Neville“About Katherine Neville and her new book The Fire“

KATHERINE NEVILLE’S Autumn Equinox Newsletter Sept 21, 2020

KATHERINE NEVILLE’SAutumn Equinox NewsletterSeptember 21, 2020 Equal Day and Night The Equinox (“Equal Night”) is the event that comes twice a year, when day and night are equal in length. The autumn equinox (in the northern hemisphere) marks the turning point when our daylight hours grow shorter and darkness grows longer. Read more about this […]

Walter Freeman

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Walter & Do Freeman: Prague Walter Freeman III was a doctorate student of Karl Pribram’s at Yale University and continued to work with him over the decades. Walter was a biologist, theoretical neuroscientist, author and philosopher who conducted research in olfactory perception, using EEG. Freeman was President of the […]

Carnival in Malta

When I arrived in Valletta, Malta I was greeted by one of the best Carnival celebrations I’ve seen. They couldn’t bring the floats out for Carnival during the Traditional weekend because of high winds, so they asked for special dispensation from the Church to do Carnival the following week – during Lent. The Church was “evasive” (see […]

Daniel Boorstin

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Daniel Boorstin and Karl Pribram: Germany, 1979 Karl on a boat trip down the Rhine River with Daniel Boorstin in June 1979. Daniel Boorstin served as director and senior historian of the National Museum of History and Technology of the Smithsonian Institution and then nominated by President Gerald Ford to be Librarian of Congress […]

Ervin László

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Ervin László, his wife Carita, & Karl: Pisa, Italy 1992 Karl’s colleague Ervin László is a Hungarian philosopher of science, noted author, the editor of World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, and advocate of the theory of Quantum Consciousness. He is founder of the Club of Budapest, whose […]

Margaret Mead & Moshé Feldenkrais

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Malka Feldenkreis gave Katherine this photo of the very young and very tiny Malka, throwing her brother Moshé over her shoulders in an exercise at the Paris Jiu Jitsu club. Moshé Feldenkrais was the founder of the Ju Jitsu club of Paris, and one of the first Europeans to […]

Philip Zimbardo

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery With Philip Zimbardo: Hamburg, 1994 Philip Zimbardo is an American psychologist and a professor emeritus at Stanford University. Zimbardo became widely known for creating the Stanford Prison Study, to assess the psychological effect of becoming prisoner or prison guard. More recently, he is focused on studying ‘everyday heroism’ through the Heroic Imagination Project.

Dr Stapp and Patrick Heelan

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery With Henry Stapp and Father Patrick Heelan, SJ: Prague Dr. Henry Stapp is a Mathematical physicist and author (Quantum Theory and Free Will) known for his work in quantum mechanics. Dr. Stapp worked with Wolfgang Pauli and Werner Heisenberg at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Father Patrick Heelan, SJ, […]

Koko the Gorilla

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Koko the gorilla A Christmas card from Koko, the first gorilla capable of American Sign Language, (with her pet kitten) and signed by Karl’s former student and Koko’s trainer, Penny Patterson.

Patxi del Campo and Cheryl Dileo Maranto

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Cheryl Dileo Maranto and Patxi del Campo Cheryl Dileo Maranto is a past President of the World Federation of Music Therapy. Patxi Del Campo is also a past President of the World Federation of Music Therapy, and was the coordinator of the VII World Congress of Music Therapy (I […]

With scientists and adventurers: Llubljana, Slovenia

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Karl with scientists and adventurers (L to R) Urban Kordes; Andrej Detela; Professor Dr Andrej Ule; Mitja Perus; Karl; Ernest Orizim; Katherine; Vida Drame-Orizim: Llubljana, Slovenia Here’s a group photo after hiking the paths along the wild Dragon River in Slovenia, which disappears underground and resurfaces seven times! The […]

El Mundo

El Mundo “BEST SELLER | LA SECUELA MÁS ESPERADALa última partida de Katherine Neville”December 21, 2008 To see media from behind the scenes, visit Katherine’s Article: DC Mysteriosa Text version is available below the scanned copy.  EL MUNDO M A G A Z I N E Domingo 21 de diciembre de 2008   EL ESCONDITE. Katherine […]

Malka & Moshe Feldenkrais

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Malka & Moshe Feldenkrais at the Paris Ju-Jitsu Club Moshe was the first non Asian blackbelt in Jiu Jitsu. Malka Feldenkreis gave Katherine this photo of the very young and very tiny Malka, throwing her brother Moshe over her shoulders in an exercise at the Paris Jiu Jitsu club.

Cristobal Halffter

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Noted Spanish composer Cristobal Halffter, with his wife Marita and their children Idelfonso, Pedro and Julieta, as well as Professor Alberto Portera-Sanchez and wife Catherine: Castillo de Vilafranca del Bierzo, Spain, 1994 The Castile De Vilafranca was built in the 11th century. The Halffters built an amazing three-story house […]

Peter Brook

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Karl and Peter Brook: Paris, October 1994 Peter Brook worked with Karl on a project about Alexander Romanovich Luria. Peter Brook and his Theatre Bouffes du Nord trained with Moshé Feldenkrais, whom Karl was also working with. Peter Brook is an English theatre and film director who has won multiple […]

Agustín Ibarrola

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Karl, Katherine, Aitxiber, Tony Wigram (music therapy expert), Claudio Naranjo (gestalt therapist), Patxi del Campo (president of the World Congress of Music Therapy), & Agustín Ibarrola (artist): Painted Forest, Oma, Spain, July 1994 Katherine has written two articles about this experience in the Painted Forest of Oma: How I […]

Maya Angelou

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Katherine and Karl with Maya Angelou at her home for Christmas: Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1989 Maya Angelou was a internationally renowned poet, civil rights activist, and scholar. Maya Angelou and Katherine had many interesting encounters and mutual connections; a few are included here:Maya Angelou: Christmas 1989.

Margaret Mead

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Karl on tour with Margaret Mead: June 1977 **Note lets see if we can make this photo look better** Margaret Mead was a popular American cultural anthropologist.

Ram Dass

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Karl and Katherine with Ram Dass: Prague, June 1992 Ram Dass, Karl, and a critical mass of other interesting contributors presented at the International Transpersonal Psychology Conference, “Science, Spirituality and the Global Crisis: Toward a World with a Future” in Prague, Czech Republic. Ram Dass was a spiritual teacher, […]

Huston Smith and Chungliang “Al” Huang

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Philosopher Huston Smith and wife Kendra with Tai Chi master Chungliang “Al” Huang: Esalen Institute, California, 1989 At Esalen with religious scholar and philosopher Huston Smith (The World’s Religions) and Tai Chi master Chungliang “Al” Huang (Embrace Tiger Return to Mountain.) The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav, […]

Felix Gracia, Marilyn Ferguson, & Marie Terol

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Felix Gracia, Marilyn Ferguson, Marie Terol: Toledo, Spain, 1992 Marilyn Ferguson was the author of the 1980 bestseller The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in Our Time. “…  the Aquarians Conspiracy is a different kind of revolution, with different revolutionaries. It looks to the turnabout in consciousness of a critical number […]

Ivan Havel & Noam Chomsky

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Ivan Havel, Katherine, & Noam Chomsky: Washington, DC, 1994 Karl’s colleague, Noam Chomsky, during a dinner break with Neville & Ivan Havel. Noam Chomsky is internationally known linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and historian. Ivan Havel is a researcher and former director of the Center for Theoretical Studies. (Ivan is the […]

Sir John Eccles

Back to Karl and Friends Gallery Nobel Laureate Sir John Eccles and Lady Helena at lunch with Karl and Katherine: Locarno, Switzerland, 1992 Sir John Eccles was an Australian neurophysiologist and philosopher. He won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the synapse with Andrew Huxley and Alan Lloyd Hodgkin. […]