BookTrib: Smithsonian Libraries (33:12min)

BookTrib video interview with Katherine Neville (33:12 min)“Interview with Bestselling Author Katherine Neville”April 4, 2016 Smithsonian Libraries: Bestselling Author Katherine Neville Talks Hidden Wonders and Adopt-a-Book Program Katherine Neville talks about her favorite passion – libraries! Katherine Neville says, “Few people know that they have the largest museum library system in the world – all of […]

Bookbits (6:35min)

Bookbits audio interview of Katherine Neville about The Fire (6:35 min)December 19, 2008 Author Interview: Katherine Neville Chess is a realm author Katherine Neville has explored before. But she returns to it for her new thriller The Fire. Video – Audio only (6:35 min)

SiriusXM: Author Cafe (55:30min)

Author Cafe (SiriusXM Book Channel) audio interview (55:30 min)“Interview with Katherine Neville, David Baldacci, and Daniel Stashower” SiriusXM Book Channel: Author Cafe Katherine Neville, David Baldacci, and Daniel Stashower David Baldacci, Daniel Stashower and Katherine were invited by the producers of SiriusXM’s Book Channel, Kim Alexander and Maggie Linton, to be their guest on the first […]

Random House: Katherine on The Fire (series 2-5min)

Katherine answers Readers’ top five questions about The Fire in a series of short audio clips. Katherine answers: “Why did It take me 20 years to write the sequel to The 8?” Audio (2:39 min) Katherine discusses: “What role does chess play in my books?” Audio (2:42 min) Katherine talks about: “My characters and their […]

diyMFA: Writing the Epic Quest Novel (1hr 4:13min)

diyMFA audio interview with Katherine Neville (1 hr 4:13 min)“Writing the Epic Quest Novel”May 3, 2017 diyMFA Episode 145: Writing the Epic Quest Novel  Interview with Katherine Neville     Listen to the interview: MAY 03, 2017 by Gabriela Pereira    Hey there word nerds!   Today I’m pleased to have Katherine Neville on the show.Katherine’s […]

BookTrib: Two Clips (3:37min & 4:01min)

BookTrib video interview clips of Katherine Neville (3:37 min & 4:01 min) Katherine Neville On Her Body Of Work Video (3:37 min) Katherine Neville, Author Of The Eight Video (4:01 min)

BookTrib: Novels (37:20min)

BookTrib video interview with Katherine Neville (37:20 min)“Katherine Neville and Her Re-Released Acclaimed Novels”October 1, 2015 Katherine Neville and Her Re-Released Acclaimed Novels In this interview best-selling author Katherine Neville discusses three of her novels (The Eight, The Magic Circle and A Calculated Risk) that are being re-released by Open Road Media as e-books. Synopses of […]

Author Magazine (7:25min)

Author Magazine video interview of Katherine Neville (7:25 min)December 2008 Author presents: Katherine Neville Video (7:25 min)

National Book Festival (28:31min)

Katherine Neville speaking at the National Book Festival Video (28:31 min) National Book Festival Group photo at the breakfast before The National Book Festival Above is the group photo of all of us at the breakfast, just before the festival, that was hosted by The Washington Post. Among the friends and fellow Mystery-Thriller writers I […]

PBS-WLIW Author Imprint (23:09min)

Author Imprint (PBS-WLIW) video interview (23:09 min)“Panel: Steve Berry, Katherine Neville, and Jeffery Deaver”May 31, 2018 PBS-WLIW Author Imprint Steve Berry, Katherine Neville, and Jeffery Deaver My friends and colleagues, Steve Berry, Jeffery Deaver and I had fun being interviewed by Maddie Orton, as among the first authors in the inaugural year of New York’s PBS show […]

The Fire in Spain (3:24min)

Following the progress of Katherine Neville’s book tour through Spain for The Fire (El Fuego). Video (3:24 min)

Katherine Neville on her inspiration for The Eight (2:04min)

Open Road video of Katherine Neville discussing The Eight (2:04 min)“Katherine Neville, Author of The Eight“July 20, 2015 Katherine Neville, Author of The Eight Neville discusses what inspired her novel, The Eight. This video was filmed at the Chess Forum in Manhattan. Video (2:04 min)